
We create the greatest value for our partners and customers by delivering high-quality products that allow a long service life and lowest total cost of ownership to ensuring our customer’s success

Fiber Optics Solutions

Fiber Optics Solutions

Fiber-optic communications is based on the principle that light in a glass medium can carry more information over longer distances than electrical signals can carry in a copper or coaxial medium or radio frequencies through a wireless medium.

Smart City Technology

Smart City Technology

Excellence in fulfilling the promise Completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise and products through the provision of uncompromising network solutions.

Solution for microduct networks

Solution for microduct networks

Fiber optic networks made with microduct technology are becoming more and more common in the infrastructure. Microducts have been developed in purpose to utilize existing and new duct systems more effectively by accommodating more fibers in given sub-duct network.

Fiber To The Home "FTTH" Technology

Fiber To The Home "FTTH" Technology

Lenora provides a range of cutting-edge FTTx elements that integrate advanced technology, thorough expertise, and exceptional service.

Fiber To The Antenna "FTTA" and 5G Technology

Fiber To The Antenna "FTTA" and 5G Technology

Fiber to the antenna and 5G technology today, need for stronger and more robust wireless infrastructure is greater than ever with the rising popularity of 5G and wireless home internet.

Industry 4.0 in microduct technologies

Industry 4.0 in microduct technologies

Industry 4.0 in microduct technologies, energy and performance efficiency to increase productivity and to reduce risks in the pipe manufacturing process.